Authentity Crisis

I just returned from the San Francisco Writers’s Conference. It was four days of panels on anything and everything you could imagine related to writing and publishing. I felt like a kid in a candy store.

If you’ve been reading my newsletters, you know I’m branching out into publishing. My real dream is to be a legal thriller novelist and, of course, my day job is that of a self-help author. You can imagine how I was pulled in so many directions.

I’ve been saying for the last year that I’m undergoing an identity crisis sliding along the spectrum of feng shui expert and attorney. And it hit me this week, that what I’m actually experiencing is an Authentity Crisis.

It’s not my role, my title, my tagline that I’m searching for; instead, it’s discovering what is most authentic to me without the should’s and could’ves.

And so this weekend, I got to experience just that. I observed which panels I was drawn to the most. It turns out it was most all of them: non-fiction, fiction, authorpreneurship, entrepreneurship, self-publishing, traditional publishing, books-to-screen, for myself and clients.

I came away with some positive nods from acquisition editors for my next book and also how I can help clients get their work out into the world too. For now, crisis abated. Now, I just need time for all my authentic selves 🤓


Going Viral


Divide Before Conquer: The Purpose of Division in Politics, Relationships, and the Self