Home Alone 2020

What strange times we are in. I sense a version of this will last through at least the end of the North Node in Cancer which is May 5th when it moves into Gemini. Gemini would love to be anywhere but home, so I think things will shift then. Also, everything is heightened right now because we have Jupiter right on top of the same degree of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January, followed by Mars at the end of the week. 

For now, the North Node in Cancer is demanding us to be home. As a Cancer sign myself, I can think of worse things - like not being able to be home. (Or being stuck on a cruise ship - my worse fear!) I hope everyone has found themselves “home” and feeling a sense of safeness, at least. 

If you read my previous post, then you know I’ve been more or less homebound for the last six weeks due to vertigo-related symptoms as a result of shingles. As I’m about ready to emerge, the world is quarantined. 😝

While being stuck at home puts a strain on our sense of community, perhaps taking a step back from our extroverted lifestyles gives us a needed reprieve from the going, going, going mentality we’ve become accustomed to. 

From my experience the last six weeks, being home has removed so many distractions that bombard us daily. Suddenly you have time. Time to do things you’ve put off. This equates to more time for you. More time to meditate, to journal, to sleep, to relax, to engage with family members or pets. 

We are experiencing a collective cocoon of transformation. This virus is forcing us to change our daily patterns, lifestyle, and giving us more time for self-reflection. All key ingredients for transformation. We will look back on this time as a before and after in our consciousness. Right now, we’re smack in the middle of it and it’s uncomfortable.

After a few weeks of being homebound, a switch occurred in me. As I gave into it, I began to appreciate the time at home. I began to appreciate things about my house that I’d glossed over. I began to appreciate myself and my wife more. I didn’t realize how much I needed to turn my energy inward rather than outward. And of course, this is also the best immune booster.

Back in December, Amanda Gates interviewed Rachel and I for 2020 Feng Shui and Astrology Predictions. Little did we know how apropos these two topics would be with home being such a theme and my prediction of needing to hunker down. In it, Rachel explains the astrology, while Amanda and I give tips on optimizing your home for this year. You can watch it here.

My hope is that things don’t go back to “normal” and, instead, that we are all changed for the better, individually and therefore collectively.


Think Like an Aquarian


Going Viral